Act 3 of Macbeth Analysis Freewrite

In act 3 everyone is feeling worried and are feeling vigilant. Some behaviors that some characters have been feeling is feeling very concerned about each other and this is leading the characters into not trusting each other. These behaviors are driving some characters crazy that they would even kill. Two characters that have played a huge role in this act that demonstrate this behavior is Banquo and Macbeth. Banquo has been feeling vigilant towards Macbeth because he feels that he cheated his way into becoming King. In act 3 scene 1 Banquo says “Now you have it all: you’re the king, the thane of Cawdor, and the thane of Glamis, just like the weird women promised you. And I suspect you cheated to win these titles”. What this quote is trying to say is that Banquo does not trust Macbeth at all and worries that Macbeth is doing danger in order to get to where he is now. Macbeth is feeling paranoid about Banquo because he feels like Banquo will find out what he has done to the king. In act 3 scene 1 Macbeth says “I’m very afraid of Banquo. There’s something noble about him that makes me fear him. He’s willing to take risks, and his mind never stops working. He has the wisdom to act bravely but also safely. I’m not afraid of anyone but him”. What this quote means is that Macbeth is afraid of Banquo and that he fears that he is too noble. This type of behavior is causing them to do things no matter what it is in order to succeed. In act 3 scene 3 one of the murderers says “Well, let’s get out of here and tell Macbeth what we did accomplish”. This quote means that Macbeth sent these murderers to kill Banquo. What this reveals about Macbeth is that he would do anything in order not to get caught and that he is very anxious. Banquo starts questioning what Macbeth did because he feels that he cheated his way into becoming. When Banquo is ambushed he says “Oh, this is treachery! Get out of here, good Fleance, run, run, run! Someday you can get revenge.—Oh, you bastard!”. This quote shows that Banquo wants revenge on whoever is doing all of these murders. What this shows about both characters is that they both dislike each other. Overall, the message of this scene was that no one should trust each other and don’t believe what you see.