“Macbeth” Freewrite

In my opinion, everyone is innately neither good or evil ; it’s the events in your life that change you. For example, when a baby is born and starts to walk, touch stuff around, and accidentally starts dropping stuff around making a mess; the baby doesn’t know that what he is doing is bad and what the outcomes are. As you grow up and start to realize and understand the consequences that’s when you either turn evil or good. The events in your life then influence your decisions in life and the choices you make. At the beginning of Act 1, Macbeth chose to be a good person. According to Act 1 Scene 2, Malcolm describes Macbeth as “ This is the brave sergeant who fought to keep me from being captured. Hail, brave friend! Tell the king what was happening in the battle when you left it”. This quote means that Macbeth was a good human being because he helped Malcolm from being captured. Later on in the play, Macbeth encountered some events that changed this all around. In act 1 scene 3 Macbeth encounters three witches and the third witch says “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!”. The witches predicting Macbeth’s future and telling him changed who he turns out to be. In order for Macbeth to become King Macbeth needs to murder King Duncan. In act 2 scene 2 Macbeth says ” I have done the dead. Didst thou hear a noise?”. What this quote means is that King Duncan was killed by Macbeth and the deed was completed, this was the turning point of the play which changed the way Macbeth’s character was portrayed as evil. Macbeth wanted to succeed as a King and didn’t want anything to get in his way. He had no limit and would do anything insane to stay in power. Macbeth is a perfect example of King Louis XIV of France because he did anything to maintain the ultimate power and authority of the state. Since the events of the witches influenced Macbeth to commit murders he kept destroying what came to his path. For example, Macbeth murdered his best friend Banquo because he was afraid he would realize that he killed King Duncan. Your castle was attacked. Your wife and children were savagely slaughtered. In act 4 scene 3 Ross tells Macduff “If I told you how they were killed, it would cause you so much pain that it would kill you too, and add your body to the pile of murdered corpses”. This quote means that Macbeth sent people to murder Macduff’s son and wife. This is why I think it’s the events in life that change you from becoming good or evil.